How to Hear Your Spirit Guides, the SECRET Psychic Ability that NO ONE Tells You About!

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
7 min readMay 1, 2021

You will only here what you are ready to hear. When you are reading this post, try to put your awareness into your heart, and take what resonates, discard the rest.

Your mind may want to jump in and put labels and use filters to try to understand everything, intellectually. It is not the point to understand intellectually, but to experience physically. As we are having a human experience, it is important, I believe that we experience our human.

Now what you do or don’t do with this information is completely up to you. It is my hope and my wish that you receive massive value from this, or at least, this planted a seed in your mind of what you are capable of.

The best articles and pieces of written work are those that you have no idea what to say. My guides told me to write this and told me what the title is, but I have no idea what I am about to say, but here it goes.

To hear your guides, realize a few things. Your spiritual guides, angels, or spirit guides, are astral extensions of God, or Source energy whatever you call it. They have also been called helpers. But they are essentially an aspect of yourself from a higher realm, working to help you.

And since spirit guides are basically angels, or evolved beings… they are pure love and light. They are light being that vibrate pure love. And since God is love, and Source is love (interchangeable words, let’s use God. )They are connected to God, therefore deliver messages to you from God.

They are like the mailmen, whenever God has a message for you, He sends it through your team or spiritual helpers, and guide.

So since most of your thoughts aren't your own. You are usually receiving thoughts, more than actually thinking them. For example, a thought that you think, is a thought that you consciously CHOOSE to transmit. For example, an affirmation, a goal, or using your mind to create a solution to a problem.

Unconscious thoughts are those that are coming from past events and are essentially programs. The ego, or fictitious self, which identity lives in staying the same as the past… The ego knows it is limited so it may cling on, hoping for dear life that you save it.

But the true essence of who you are, and I’m not gonna worry about making this perfect, because I can always edit it later, Is LOVE. Since you were created from God, you are an aspect of God. So for you to access thoughts from God, or from your spirit guides, you must vibrate, or BECOME the frequency of God… which is love.

This is where the phrase I have been saying recently, “you are not who you think you are, you are what is left when no thought remains.”

To rephrase this, you are the awareness that is observing the thought. Since God is spirit, your spirit guides are spirit, you are also spirit. So for you to connect with spirit, you must LET GO of thought. You must surrender your ego, or false identify, that is based off of past circumstances, situations, and events.

You see, you are not your past, you are the awareness that experienced the past, through a physical vessel, which we call a human. Now, the ego is NOT the enemy, which is contradictory to some teachers in the spiritual community. Your ego shall be integrated, not judged.

Allow yourself to be, just as you are, without expectation. This is how you love yourself. The way to remember who you REALLY ARE, is to forget who you think you are. In other words, let go of the past, and feel whatever comes up in this now moment. You are not your thoughts, you are the presence experiencing them.

So when you let go of your ego, or your unconscious set of memorized behaviors, emotions, and thought patterns, you are left with ONLY this now moment. Which is all that REALLY exists. Through this now moment, we connect with our heart space.

The ego loves to put labels on things, saying this is good, or this is bad. Your higher self, which is who you really are, is connected to ALL realms, realities, timelines, and aspects of yourself.

So for you to listen to your human, or your ego, is to stay the same with your past version of reality. However, when you surrender into this now moment, that is where the magic happens. It is also what the ego is deathly afraid of. So the way to kill the ego, or unconscious thought pattern, is to surrender to your heart space.

Once you surrender your mind, and focus your awareness into your heart, you now tune your energy field to the frequency of love. While you are vibrating love, you now have access to thoughts that align with love. And as thoughts are also spirits, your spirit guides vibrate at the frequency of love.

So you could say, from one perspective, all your thoughts while vibrating the frequency of love, are from your spirit guides. Since thoughts are spirits. And since your spirit guides are direct extensions to God, just as we are, they can send messages to you, from God.

So to hear God speak to you, is to surrender your ideas and beliefs, and ALLOW yourself to be divinely guided. You see, your guides/God/Higher Self/Universe/Source (these are just words, and perspectives), already knows what your divine blueprint is, or your soul contract, or your ‘purpose’. It/he/they/we/you (lol), can give you guidance.

The answers exist within yourself. Nothing REALLY matters other than YOU, and how YOU feel. It is not your job to create for other people. It is not your job to fix other people. It is not your job to do ANYTHING other than love yourself, and love others.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the only truth. Your higher self/aka The GOD within you, or the most evolved aspect of yourself… ALREADY KNOWS that all labels are just judgments based off the ego’s very tiny perspective, aka it’s past physical experiences and understanding.

Your true self, or your soul essence, or your true expression, is connected to God, because it is God. We are all God, we are aspects, perspectives, and offspring of God. It is God’s wish that we become ALL that we are. Which is a unique perspective of the most high, one infinite creator.

We are that infinite creator. We are God. We are in a 3d, physical form, meaning we have some limitations in the physical realm. But realize that the physical reality we are currently experiencing on this earth is a outer reflection of the worlds we have created within ourselves.

As we change what goes inside, we change what the universe shows us on the outside. There are no limitations, other than the ones we have created in our own mind’s. If you believe, you will receive. If you doubt, you will go without. You don’t have to know everything, matter fact, we don’t know anything… when I say you, I mean the ego, this time… Your ego won’t know, but it tries to control everything, trying to figure out how, when, the details.

This isn’t bad, as the ego’s job is to keep us safe. It is an important aspect of the physical realm. I call the ego, the false self, aka unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. I call the soul, the true self, aka your connection to God, intuition, and love.

Follow your feelings whatever they are. LISTEN TO YOURSELF, your true self. The answers are within. Your heart knows ALL the answers, before your mind could think of a question. Which is funny, because you can actually ask your guides a question, and if you are aware enough, you will hear it.

Now there are multiple ways to hear messages from your guides. Because listening to your guides is a form of psychic ability. Clairaudient, which is clear hearing, where you are actually hearing your guides talk to you. This is my strongest psychic ability.

Clairvoyance, which is clear vision, where you are seeing images flash in your mind, could be during your day, while in a flow state, or commonly your guides will drop messages for you in your meditations and dreams. This is also a strong ability of mine. BTW we ALL have ALL of these abilities naturally.

BUT some of us have stronger psychic ability of one kind, versus the other. What is interesting is we have majorly been programmed to not listen to our intuition, but instead listen to authority, hmmm funny how that works. Now that is a topic for another article, or book, perhaps.

Clair-sentience, which is clear feeling. When you have a gut feeling about things, in the solar plexus, is usually where this is felt. Me being an intuitive, empath, Cancer sun sign. This is also strong for me.

Clair-cognizance, which is inner knowing. YOU know things, and don’t know why you know. This perhaps could be a combination of all of them, however I can’t say I have physically experienced this one as much as the other 3, or at least not that I am aware of, but I am sure some of you relate.

We all have these psychic abilities, as we are spiritual beings having a human experience. And we create reality with a thought. We manifest EVERYTHING in our life, whether we are aware of it or not. We manifested this physical reality and CHOSE to incarnate into this physical body into this specific time and space, to have this experience of creating.



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.