Its not about WHAT you do but WHO you are.

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
3 min readAug 12, 2021

Its not about what you do but who you are. I was just on a walk and I was somewhat concerned on what decision to make, feeling overwhelmed with options and possibilities, when I hear the whisper. “its not about what you do but who you are.”

Why is that the case? My interpretation is this: who you are is an inside job, and what you do is an outside reflection of that inside job.

I’ve found time and time again, in my life, being more worried about how others see me, rather than how I see myself.

Intellectually knowing there is no need to worry about what others think, but the habitual thought pattern from childhood coming up to the surface for me to go through it and release it from my system.

I encourage all to be in nature. Be one with nature. Nature connects you with your higher self because nature is pure energy. And whatever energy you consume, consumes you.

If you breathe in nature, you breathe in purity. You allow mother nature to heal you. Which cleanses away your thoughts and your worries and replaces with thoughts from God. God lives in nature and God lives with you.

We go throughout out lives programming ourselves with our environment and the people in our life, clinging on to some sense of self, so that we can feel safe and complete.

The truth of the situation is that you get to choose the meaning of everything in your life. Your perception is your reality.



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.