Presence is the Key

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
3 min readOct 14, 2022


Why is presence the key? Simply because everything is here right now. When we are in the present moment, the moment is teaching us, leading us, guiding us. The hidden forces of the universe guiding us every moment, based on our own desires, leading us through intuition to go in a certain direction.

Acknowledge your intuition and your ability to follow thru on the guidance that you receive, because the real you, the future you, already knows what to do, when to do it, because you are already there.

If there is anything that you must know it is that we become what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit. Because what we do is ingrained into our body. A thought that is repeated is a belief, and an action that is repeated is a habit.

We must allow ourself to be without expectation. Allow yourself to flow, adjust yourself as you go. The most important goal at all times is to feel good right now this moment, and be a smiley freak! :) haha

Being real is not being mean and being nice is not being real. You must be yourself to free yourself, every moment of every day. Vulnerability is freedom. They key is to be still, listen to your spirit guides, ask questions and listen. Your spirit guides are always with you, you are not always with your guides.

The key to listening to your spirit guides and following thru on what they are telling you is to be aware of your spirit guides, acknowledge them, and develop a relationship with them. They can only share with you what you are ready for and will share with you what you are ready for when you are ready for it.

The key is to master the basics, to write out life as you would like it to be in INSANE detail. Specificity is what gives the universe the ability to align up circumstances situations and events to make what you want to have happen, happen. And to not worry about the how, not worry about your radar screen, trust that it is already done and it is on its way.

Focus on feeling good right now, as if you have already achieved it, and let go and trust the universe, by meeting the universe halfway. Staying in flow, staying in momentum. Newton’s Laws of physics state that: an objection in motion, stays in motion, an object at rest, stays at rest.

The Patton on leadership success axiom is that: when you keep moving the enemy can not hit you, when you dig yourself a foxhole, you’ve dug your grave.

So what is mastering the basics look like? You must know what you want, why you want it, how it feels to already have it, see it, hear it, speak it repeatedly, listen to people who have what you want and have been where you are, follow your feelings, be willing to learn, be willing to change, and be obsessed with learning, and fine tuning and tweaking the daily consistent action steps that you take automatically which are in alignment with your clarified dream, which is being re-clarified and specified at any moment as you gain new experiences, and the key in all of this is to feel good now anyway, and enjoy the process of life, without being caught up into destination disease.

When you are running like a hamster on a wheel, wanting to escape where you are because it is not good enough, someone else is doing it better. RUN your own race! the most consistent person wins. and honestly be consistent at constantly changing your approach and improving who you already are. And remember you are not just a human, you are experiencing a human.

Your conditioned self may have flaws, and that’s okay, however you really are, does not need to be fixed, comes from perfection, infinite possibility, pure potential and can shape shift into any form at any moment you choose. Because you are the power. You are the intelligence within this human vessel

You are not your thoughts, you are the presence experiencing them. You are not your past, your past was an experience. You are the presence experiencing this moment, vibrating the energy of your choice, constantly co-creating your reality.



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.