Shadow Work and Healing Trauma

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
4 min readFeb 16, 2022

Today on Zoom we will be going over Shadow Work and Healing Trauma. This is the 2nd step in the 9 step process in which we call the Rainbow Bridge to 5D. How to go from dark night of the soul to embodying your soul’s purpose. From being confused about who you are and why you are here to knowing in full detail your true self actualized and experiencing this in physical form.

The 1st step we went over on Monday is called Peace and Surrender to the Now. Today we will go over shadow work and healing trauma.

As you can see above, in the bottom left corner, we have what is called, which is connected to the shadow self, and also connected to the past. We have what is called, reference experiences that we unconsciously identify with via the form of filters and fears that are limiting our now experience. It is when these traumas get lodged in the body, via past experiences that we have programs running that cloud our vision in the now experience.

If you look above you see divine guidance and spirit guides, this is our inner voice, our intuition. The truth is our inner voice, the voice of God, or whatever you would like to call it is always accessible in the NOW moment. However it is our ego that can get in the way trying to figure things out, and the ego wants to play in familiarity and keep things exactly the same.



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.