“They shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall let them free.”

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
4 min readDec 11, 2021

God spoke to me LOUD and clear today… a message for all of humanity, especially light workers, starseeds, bringers of love and light, of which we all originate. IT’S EASIER TO RAISE A BABY THAN TO Wake the dead. Something I learned from my mentors in IM ACADEMY, during my 2 years, bc I NEVER could have done it without them… straight up, point blank, creating a $10k/mo business in network marketing and $100k+ trading, traveling the world, speaking on stages of hundreds, just less than a YEAR after making $800/mo deliveriing pizzas… life had hit me quickly… I finally felt worthy to be myself around people all my life, after years and years of comparing myself to others and falling short. I was attached to fame. ALL of my sense of self worth was completely tied to my financial gain, what I had created…

it caused months and months of pain and suffering, feel unworthy of the next level, all this new attention triggered my traumas of caring what people think, people pleasing, seeking validation, wanting people to like me… I felt my intuition whispering me to hang up the cleats when the pandemic hit… I had a very strong feeling that something MUCH, MUCH BIGGER was happening. Something way bigger than me, something way bigger than my friends, my family, the company, and I had to go within to find this. But I felt the pressure to conform to the…



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.