What is the Rainbow Bridge to 5d?

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
4 min readFeb 24, 2022
The Teachings of Alicus: Diagram

The Rainbow Bridge to 5D represents the steps from the 3D to the 5D. It is the shift that equates from the state of consciousness of fear, illusion, separation, anxiety, etc to a state of love, unity, and inner sense of knowingness.

The Old Earth, the 3D earth is collapsing piece by piece, old societal structures of government, health, and education… false belief systems that we collective held for decades, centuries, and even milleniums are now being broken… we all realize that we are infinite creators.

We are unique perspectives of the one infinite creator. We are pure potential, infinite possibility. Within the one whole, we have what is called the soul, we all have a puzzle piece to play in this puzzle, we call the New Earth, or Heaven on Earth. God’s plan, or Divine Will, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

We are literally, physically ascending from 3d to 5d, we are stepping into our truth, we are staying true to ourselves. Anything that isn’t you, must stay in the 3d. All our fears are being faced, all our traumas are being triggered, to help up grow, and transcend this physical realm.

The Teachings of Alicus, in other words, the Rainbow Bridge to 5D, is a step by step process to take the individual soul, unique perspective of God, the one, the all, from where-ever they are in their spiritual…



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.