Why the Children Matter Most Right now :)

Alicus, Galactic Guardian
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

These children are the future, they are the rainbow warriors, they are the lightworkers, the starseeds. God created this world, and there is plan for this planet. We come together as one and create heaven on earth. We create the golden age. No matter what is going on the outside, we know we must hold the frequency on the inside, and allow ourself to be, without expectation, and embody our light and love frequency. We hold the peace and the presence now. Spillover effect is happening quickly right now and we haven’t even barely began. Its all happening. Humanity is waking up quickly to the slumber we have been in, running automatic programs, belief systems, and auto pilot behaviors, without questioning who we are, what we are doing, or why we are doing it, and who we are actually doing it for.

We are all unique perspectives of the one infinite creator, pure potential, and these children have not been programmed or conditioned yet, so first thing first, lets take off the masks, and teach breathwork. Healing is in nature, healing is in breath. God is in nature, God is in the breath. Love cures everything. Fear is the only disease, we let go of fear, we have ascended into a higher vibration, a love, unity consciousness. So what are we waiting for? absolutely nothing, it begins today, now, this moment and tomorrow is a continuation of present moment, we are always right where we need to be.

The importance of children right now is everything because they are the future, they can become anything… we are going through…



Alicus, Galactic Guardian

I am a Spiritual Teacher who specializes in the Dark Night of the Soul, the Awakening, and the Ascension process.